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SAHIB RICE GOLD is a post-emergence herbicide effective against grasses, sedges, and broad-leaf weeds of rice crops.

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  • Weight 0.5 kg
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Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/HADilution in Water (Lit)Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In Hours)



Formulation (ml)
Rice (Nursery)Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum, Ischaemum rugosum, Cyperus difformis, cyperus iria Fimbristylis miliacca , Eclipta alba , Ludwigia parviflora, Monochoria vaginalis, ,Alternanthera philoxeroides , Sphenoclcea zeylenica20200300waiting period has been redundant as period betweenspray and harvest has been >78 days 
Rice (Transplanted) 20-25200-250300  
Rice (Direct seeded) 20-25200-250300  


Direction for use: Shake the bottle before use. Measure out the requisite quantity of the herbicides and mix it well with a small quantity of water. Add the remaining quantity of water specified with thorough agitation Application method: Prior to herbicide application the field should be drained. The field should be re-flooded within one day after application and water should be maintained at least for 10 days post-application. Spraying Instruction: Spray uniformly in the direction of the wind. Ensure thorough coverage of the weeds. Time of Application Nursery/ Transplanted: The optimum time of the application is 10-12 days after sowing for nursery rice and 10-14 days after planting for transplanted Rice when most of the weeds have already emerged and are of 3-4 leaf stage depending upon soil and climatic factors. Direct Seed Rice: for direct seed rice the time of application is 15-25 days after sowing. Plant Protection Equipment: High volume sprayer viz., Knapsack sprayer fitted with flat fan flood jet nozzle is recommended.

1. Keep away from food and feedstuff. 

2. Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. 

3. Avoid inhalation of the spray mist. 

4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 

5. Do not smoke, drink eat and chew anything while spraying.

Weakness, vomiting, salivation, and diarrhea.

1. The package containing the herbicides shall be stored in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing other articles, particularly articles of food, or shall be kept in separate almirahs under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the herbicide. 

2. The rooms or premises meant for storing the herbicides should be well-built, dry, well-lit, and ventilated and of sufficient dimension to avoid contamination by vapor.

First Aid:

1. If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat. Do not induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious. 2. If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the cloths and wash the contaminated skin with a copious amount of soap and water. 

3. If eyes are contaminated, flush with plenty of water for about 10 to 15 minutes. 

4. If, inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air. If not breathing, clear the airway and give artificial respiration. Get medical attention immediately. 

Antidote No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.