We Are An Expert In This Field

SAHIB GROUP has 25 years old Indian group in the field of seeds and agrochemicals. SAHIB GROUP fulfils the needs of farmers with multinational quality products. SAHIB PESTICIDES has a state of art test laboratory which is equipped with highly sophisticated Equipment highly qualified and experienced team of personnel. All analytical procedures are fully documented for audit and reference. We are regulatory and widely accepted methods such as National and International standards.


In-House R&D is well equipped with all utilities., we have 3 fumehoods where 4 reactions can be carried out simultaneously, Bead Mill, Jet Mill, Rotary Evaporator, High Speed Homogenizer,Autoclave and High Vacuum System.


Independent Laboratory Accredited by NABL in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 A quality system based on the concepts of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001 is utilized. The ISO standards are adapted to the feasible and significant given our clients requirements.

R&D Centre

In- House R&D Centre recognized by DSIR, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi.


FERTILIZER Laboratory is well equipped with Atomic Absorption Spectrometer(AAS) Laminar Air Flow Cabinet, Flame Photometer,Compound Microscope,Stereo Microscope, Rotary Shaker and Muffle Furnace.

Quality Control Laboratory

Quality Control Laboratory is well equipped with HPLC,GC,UV-VIS Spectrometer, Brookfield Viscometer, Sonicator, Analytical Balance and Karl Fisher Apparatus.
Raw material and packing material that are tested before they are taken for production and packing respectively. These are accepted only if found satisfactory as per specification before packing material,a sample of every formulated batch is thoroughly and vigorously tested as per the specification laid down before releasing the material for sale, our Quality Control Manager inspects the materials and draws random samples for final testing in all respects.


ENVIROMENTAL LABORATORY is well equipped with BOD Incubator ,COD Digester ,Oven with Digital Computer, PH Meter, TDS Meter, Hot Plate, Conductivity Meter, Centrifuge, Magnetic Stirrer Balance and Distillation Apparatus.

Technical Synthesis Plant

Salient Features

• Multi product state of the art Technical Synthesis Plant.
• Strategic location of Plant Karnal Haryana.
• Certified under ISO 9001 for Quality Assurance, Well equipped facility for treatment as per HSPCB norms.

Reactions we do at our Unit

Esterification, Condensation, Alkylation, Sulphonation, Reduction, Pressure Reactions, Chlorination

Formulation Plant

Salient Features

• State of the art Formulation Plants with more than Sq. m. area.
• Our high-performance Formulation Units, at Karnal in Haryana.
• Formulation Unit are well equipped & can product 10 Tones of Granules, 08-10 KL EC Liquid, 03 KL SC Liquid & 1.5-02 MT of Powder per day.
• We are able to provide our valuable customers with multiple kind of formulations viz. EC, EW, SL, WP, WDG, DP, SC, CG, GR, CS, DS, FS, SG, OD, SP, GEL, ME, in all sorts of packings as per the customers requiremetns.
