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Sahib Difeno is a systemic fungicide with excellent action against diseases such as Apple scab. 

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  • Weight 0.5 kg
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Measure out the required quantity of the product and mix it well with a small quantity of water, Add the the remaining quantity of water as specified with thorough agitation for the high volume of application through knapsack sprayers or high-volume sprayers.

Do not the cooking utensils for preparing sprays. Use a stick for stirring the spray solution. Wear hand gloves to avoid contact with the skin. Also, avoid inhalation and contact with the eyes. wear protective clothing masks, goggles, and boots while spraying, and do not expose yourself to spray drift. Do not blow nozzles with your mouth. Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling or applying the product. Do not store unused spray solution. 

Clean sprayer, buckets, and other utensils with water daily after use. 

Wash hands with soap and plenty of water and change clothes after the work is over. Also, wash the contaminated clothes. Do not contaminate streams, ponds, waterways, etc., by discharging leftover spray materials into them or by cleaning sprayers, contaminated buckets, etc., in them. 

Do not spray when bees are active. When used at recommended dosages, no adverse effect on wildlife is expected. In case of any sign of poisoning, immediately consult the doctor.

Poisoning may cause symptoms of sedation, dyspnea & hunched posture.

1. The package containing the fungicide shall be stored in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing other articles, particularly articles of food, or shall be kept in separate almirahs under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the fungicide. 

2. The rooms or premises meant for storing the fungicide shall be well built, airy, well lit and ventilated and of sufficient dimension to avoid contamination with vapor.

First Aid: 

In the case of contact with skin and eyes, wash immediately with plenty of water. If in hald, move to clean air. If swallowed, give a large quantity of medical charcoal in plenty of water. Seek medical attention if a large volume of concentrate was ingested if irritation should persist. 

Antidote - No specific antidote is known. Apply symptomatic therapy.