(18 reviews)

Sahib Brahm -5  is a water soluble granular formulation containing 5% active ingredient and is recommended for the control of Bollworms on cotton, Fruit and shoot borer on okra, DBM on cabbage, Fruit borer,
thrips, mites on chilli, fruit and shoot borer on brinjal, pod borer on red gram, chickpea Graps-Thrips and Tea - Tea
looper. It is an insecticide with stomach action and should be ingested by the larvae to be most effective. Affected
larvae become paralyzed and stop feeding shortly after exposure to Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG and subsequently
die after 2-4 days.

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  • Weight 0.5 kg
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Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/HADilution in Water in water (liter)

Waiting Period

between last spray to harvest (days)

Re-entry after each Application (In Hours)





OkraFruit and shoot borer11.02205003 

Apply the insecticides when the incidence of larvae is first observed and repeat applications as necessary. apply the
insecticide in sufficient quantity of water to ensure through coverage of the foliage. Emamectin benzoate 5% SG is
toxic to Aquaculture and Honey bees.

Do not use cooking utensils for preparing the spray solution. Use stick for stirring the spray solution. Avoid contact
with skin, eye and clothing. Avoid inhalation of fog and vapours. Wear hand gloves to avoid contact with the skin.
Wear protective clothing, mask, goggles and boots while handling the product. Do not eat, drink or smoke while
applying the product. Wash hands with soap and plenty of water and change clothes after the work is over. Avoid
contamination of air and water bodies with the insecticides. Also wash the contaminated clothes.

Early symptoms of poisoning may be a combination of dilation of pupils, muscular in coordination, ataxia and muscle tremors

1. The package containing the insecticide should be stored in original containers in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing other articles particularly articles of food or shall be kept in separate almirahs under lock and key. 

2. The rooms or premises meant for storing the fungicide shall be well built, airy, well lit and ventilated and of sufficient dimension to avoid contamination with vapour.

 3. The product is toxic to aqua culture & honeybee.

No specific antidote known. Treat symptomatically.