Buprofenzin 15% + Acephate 35% WP

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Sahib Alibaba is a wettable powder containing Buprofenzin 15% (a.i.) and Acephate 35% (a.i.) in the formulation. It is used for the control of Brown plant hopper and white back plant hopper in Paddy crops.

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  • Weight 0.5 kg
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Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/HADilution in Water (litre)

Waiting Period between last spray to harvest




Formulation (g)
PaddyBrown plant hopper, white back plant hopper(187.5 + 437.5)125050020

Equipment used in the application: Hand-operated knapsack sprayer. The required quantity of ready mix chemical Buprofenzin 15% + Acephate 35% needs to be diluted in water and sprayed by using hand operated Knapsack sprayer with a spray volume @ 500l/ha.

1. Avoid inhalation and skin contact while diluting because of spillage or splashes. 

2. Do not mix with bare hands. 

3. Do not eat, drink, chew or smoke during application. 

4. Wash contaminated skin and clothes after use. 

5. Destroy empty containers after use.

Harmful, if swallowed, dullness, respiratory distress, and Minimal irritation to the eyes may occur.

1. The packages containing the insecticides shall be stored in separate rooms or premises, away from the room or premises used for storing other articles of food, or shall be kept in separate almirahs under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the insecticides. 

2. The room or premises meant for storing the insecticides shall be well-built, dry, well-lit, ventilated and of sufficient dimensions to prevent pollution with the vapors.

No specific antidote. Treat symptomatically and supportively.