(18 reviews)

Sahib Ankar -50  is used for insect control in chilli against thrips and fruit borer, which contain Emamectin Benzoate ( 1.5% a.i.) + Fipronil (3.5% a.i.) and remaining adjuvants.
1. This insecticide is toxic to fish, uses of this product containing should be avoided near aquaculture.
2. Do not spray during active bee-foraging period of the day.
3. Exposure to birds should be avoided as the product is toxic to birds.

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  • Weight 0.5 kg
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Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/HADilution in Water (Ltr/ha)

Waiting Period between last spray to harvest

(in days)

Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In Hours)



Formulation (gm)
ChilliThrips and Fruit borer

(7.50 + 17.50)-

(11.25 + 26.25)


SPRAY EQUIPMENT: High volume knapsack sprayer with hollow cone nozzle, power operated sprayer machine may be used. LIMITATION FOR USE: It should not be used in crops where it has not been recommended. it should not be used in combination with any insecticides or plant growth regulators.

1. Avoid inhalation, eye & skin contact.
2. Do not use bare hands and always use rubber gloves & face masks while handling the insecticide.
3. Do not eat-drink, chew or smoke while handling the insecticide.
4. Wash contaminated skin and clothes with soap and plenty of water.
5. Keep away from animals feed and foodstuff.
6. Spray in the direction of wind and wear full protective clothes while mixing the insecticide.

Mainly consists of irritability, lethargy, muscles tremors and in extreme cases convulsions may occur. It may be a combination of dilation of pupils, muscular incardination and ataxia. Nasal secretion and laboured respiration.

1. The packages containing insecticide should be stored in original containers in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing other articles particularly food articles or shall be kept in separate almirahs under lock and key.
2. The rooms or premises meant for storing the insecticide shall be well lit and ventilated and of sufficient dimensions to avoid contamination with water.

No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.