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Sahib Ally is a selective, systemic, and pre-emergence herbicide which effectively controls the various weeds of transplanted rice.

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Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/HADilution in Water(L)Waiting Period between  last spray to harvest(days)Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In Hours)



Formulation (kg)
Transplanted RiceCyperus iria, Cyperus difformis, Fimbristylis miliacea, Ludwigia parviflora, Monochoria vaginalis,0.01-0.0150.1-0.15500-60095 


METHOD OF APPLICATION: As per the recommendation, mix the pesticide and water at the right dosage and spray. Spray by using a high-volume sprayer, viz. Knapsack sprayer fitted with herbicide nozzle. Use 500 to 600 liters of water per hectare. Before spraying the pesticide, it�s suspension should be mixed thoroughly with a wooden log. Time of Application Spray should be given, before the emergence of weeds, three to seven days after transplanting of rice.

Do not mix with bare hands. Use a wooden stick for stirring during the preparation of spray mixtures. Avoid breathing concentrate or spray mist. Avoid skin contact, and keep away from foodstuff and animal feed. Use protective clothing such as full trousers, a full-sleeve shirt, a cap, boots, goggles, hand gloves, an apron, and a face shield. Do not chew, eat, drink or smoke during application. Wash hands with soap and water, after use. Change the contaminated clothes. Destroy empty containers after use.

Respiratory distress, abnormal movement, and convulsion may occur. Eye contact may initially cause eye irritation with discomfort, tearing, or blurring of vision. Repeated dermal exposures may lead to skin irritation with discomfort or rash.

1) The packages containing herbicides shall be stored in separate rooms or premises away from the rooms or premises used for storing other articles or shall be kept in separate almirahs under lock and key depending upon the quantity and nature of the herbicides. 

2) The rooms or premises meant for storing herbicides shall be well-built, dry, well-lit, and ventilated and of sufficient dimension.

First Aid Remove the patient to the fresh air. Wash contaminated skin with plenty of soap and water. Remove contaminated clothes. If eyes are contaminated, flush eyes thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes and refer them to a doctor. In case of poisoning by ingestion, a victim should be induced to vomit by giving a tablespoon of salt in warm water. Repeat till the vomited fluid is clear. If necessary, give gastric lavage with a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution. In an emergency take the patient to the nearest hospital. 

Antidote:  No specific antidote. Treat symptomatically and supportively.