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SAHIB QM MIX is a broad spectrum Herbicide effective for the control of different broad leaf weeds and sedges in transplanted and direct seeded rice (under puddled condition).

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  • Weight 0.5 kg
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Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/HADilution in Water (L/ha)Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (Days)Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In Hours)



Formulation (g/ha)
Direct sown Rice (puddled condition)Cyperus haspan, Fimbristylis miliaceae, Monochoria vaginalis, Cyperus difformis,Marsilea quadrifoliata42030090 
Transplanted Rice (post emergence application)Cyperus iria, C. difformis, Bergia capensis, Sagitarria sagitifolia, Commelina benghalensis, Fimbristylis miliaceae, Eclipta alba, Monochoria vaginalis, Marsilea quadrifoliata, Sphenoclea zeylanica42030090 
Transplanted Rice (pre emergence application)Cyperus iria, C. difformis, Fimbristylis miliaceae, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia parviflora, Cyanotis axillaris, Monochoria vaginalis, Marsilea quadrifoliata42030090 


Recommendations for use as foliar spray using high volume spraying equipment, such as Knapsack sprayer, rocking sprayer, foot sprayer etc. Apply herbicide with flat fan or flood jet nozzle. Add non-ionic surfactant @ 2 ml/L of water to ensure desired efficacy of the product.

1. Read and follow all instructions on the label and leaflets very carefully. Keep the container with label to show to the physician in case of accidental poisoning. 

2.Do not inhale the contents. Wear rubber gloves, goggles, face mask and protective clothing while handling. Avoid
remaining in drift of spray by applying the herbicide with the wind. 

3.Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew betel leaves while spraying. 

4.Do not fill the spray tank beyond 3/4th of its capacity. Clean the blocked nozzle by a thin wire or pin and never by blowing the same. 

5.In case of any spillage on the body it should be washed with plenty of water and soap. 

6.Always change clothings and take a bath as soon as herbicidal treatment is completed. 

7.Call a physician immediately if any symptoms of poisoning appear in a person who is using or has recently used the herbicide.

Eye contact may initially include: eye irritation with discomfort, tearing or blurring of vision. Repeated dermal exposure may lead to skin irritation with discomfort or rash.

Do not store or consume food, drink or tobacco in areas where they become contaminated with this material. Store the herbicide in its original pack tightly closed, away from the reach of children, irresponsible persons and livestock in a separate room, away from the rooms used for storing foodstuffs, animal feeds and other articles, under lock and key. The rooms or premises meant for storing shall be well-built, cool, dry, well-lit and ventilated and should be of sufficient dimensions to avoid contamination with vapour. Transport the herbicide in such a manner as not to corn contact with other pesticides, food stuffs and animal feed.

First Aid:
If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing , give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician. In case of contact with eyes, immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician. If on skin, wash with plenty of soap and water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If swallowed, immediately give 2 glasses of water and induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician.

No specific antidote is known, treat symptomatically.