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It is nonselective, contact herbicide that contains 24% w/w active ingredient, Paraquat Dichloride a.i. by mass balance adjuvants.

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  • Weight 0.5 kg
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Plant Protection equipment used:Use manually operated Knapsack sprayer or hand compression sprayer or foot sprayer or motorized sprayer etc. Manner and time of application: Purpose: for Agricultural Use Re-entry period: As soon as the spray dries up in the crops

1. Avoid inhalation and skin contact while diluting.Do not mix with bare hands. 

2. The users should use full protective clothings which include rubber gloves, boots and either face shield or mdust mask and overall rubber apron, hood or hat.

Irritation, nose bleeding, abdominal discomfort, looseness of bowels & signs of liver and kidney failure, etc.

Do not store or consume food, drink, or tobacco in areas where they become contaminated with this material. Store the insecticide in its original pack tightly closed, away from the reach of children irresponsible persons, and livestock in a separate room, away from the user for storing foodstuffs, animal feeds, and other articles under lock and key.l The room or premises meant for storing shall be well-built, cool, dry, well-lit, and ventilated and should be of sufficient dimension to avoid contamination with vapor. Transport the insecticide in such a manner so as not to come in contact with foodstuff and animal feed.

FIRST AID: If swallowed, induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat. If clothing is contaminated, wash the same with soap and water. Wash contaminated skin and clothes and irrigate eyes with plenty of water. If inhales, remove the patient from the fresh air. 

Antidote: Induce vomiting repeatedly and wash out the stomach. Give 500ml. of 30% suspension of sterilized bento or fuller earth orally. repeat after 2-4 hours. Treat Symptomatically.